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DrGAKMAN NEWS 7.4.2021

Changing some things again in the "DrGAKMAN NETWORK"!  Time is a resource I feel I have less and less of so I decided to streamline some things so I can spend less time on some things and more time on other things.  Instead of spending a whole day off (or more) on planning, making & uploading (then later storing) multiple YouTube vids of pics I've taken in the previous month covering BWTB PokéMon GO, GAMESWAP GOODIES and DrGAKMAN DIET every month, I've decided not to.  Those projects will still continue but the time and energy (as well as again, storage) spent on these vids wasn't getting the results I wanted.  In making these vids I'd end up rambling on tangents which no one was why do it?  Time wasted when I could be doing other stuff I wanna do, including other projects for my Blogger & YouTube.  So here's the plan...

éMon GO
On my Blogger I still have a huge page devoted to it and want to do more with that page which I will eventually be able to do by not doing my (too) long monthly "results" vids.  On my YouTube I still have the BWTB Pok
éMon GO playlist under my Nintendo AGENDA section but future videos are planned to be shorter beginners tips and other type content and maybe an end of year results video.  Pics that I used to have in the vids with weird glitches and the like may be put on the main Blogger page instead.

On my Blogger I will put the pics I'd normally use for the YouTube vids in posts instead.  This will be faster/easier for me whilst still keeping the projects going and beefing up my Blogger posts, too.  They will have simple short "disclaimers" at the beginning of each post to explain them a lil' bit and invite interaction with readers.  On my YouTube the previous video formats of these projects have been moved into a DrGAKMAN Archives section.  Occasionally I may still do videos here and there for particularly interesting things for these projects and I'm hoping they'll be more in the video format than in a slideshow format.  I'm planning on making videos of recipes I make myself, favorite restaurants I go to for DrGAKMAN DIET and commercial type tours of GAMESWAP for GAMESWAP GOODIES.

In addition to these changes I'm planning (hoping) to have more time for other projects in the DrGAKMAN NETWORK and in my life.  I have so many ideas to get out there, but I also have to make some more money and actually enjoy the stuff I spent my money on.  I'm also wanting to make some changes in my personal life so that I'm wasting less time on things that distract me from what's more important!