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Nintendo Direct 9.13.2022


After not having one in June for "Not e3" we've been a lil' starved for a Direct.  We did get a good Partner Direct and some smaller ones for bigger games but we wanted a big general Direct.  I didn't do some pre-Direct speculation 'cos I was so off in previous posts on Nintendo's plans.  I still do think they'll do some of the things I predicted but I held back on saying anything before this Direct 'cos I had a feeling they're waiting to reveal more plans later.

To give a bit of "the state of da industwy" my thoughts still continue to be that buyouts/mergers are not a sign of strength or consolidation, it's a sign of the poor economic state of the world.  Rumors abound that Square Enix may be looking to sell parts of itself off and bigger companies looking to pounce on smaller companies to beef up content for their future "all digital future" ("the Netflix of gaming" or "you will own nothing and like it") I don't see gaming getting better, I see it getting worse.  But that is the state of the world: getting worse.  It's a bit ridiculous with all that weakness the "industwy" ignores the strength they could have with the Switch.  Indies & smaller publishers see it but most big publishers only seek to do quick/easy/lazy cash-in's on Switch whilst doubling-down on going with "moar power" (with diminishing returns) when they should be saving up for the rainy days that are coming.  Kinda reminds me of the state of things (in the "industwy" and in the world) around 2008 when the economy was so bad off.

Applying the above to this Direct and Switch in general I can see that Nintendo is milking the success of the Switch even longer which I see as a good thing.  Usually when you milk things too much for too long it can be bad, but with the state of the world's economy and gaming, I think it's best to make due with what you have until things get better.  It may be too much of a risk to transition to a new platform for Nintendo as a company, but also for their partners to start all over with a smaller userbase when the Switch active userbase is so big/strong and also to the average consumer who are less likely to invest in a new platform when money is so tight.  So we have a Direct that really is stretching out the life of the Switch 'cos there's still so much content and we know there's a lot more they're holding back.

Also influencing the (very Japanesey & farming simulator) content of this Direct is that they broadcast it right before TGS.  Personally, I like more Japanese published content but I can see how some might not.  I do feel there was a bit too much farming stuff and too much 3RD party stuff for this Direct, but again: TGS.  I feel like we all know that Nintendo has more 1ST party stuff but may be talking about that stuff separately (their own mini-Direct per game) later on so this 3RD party stuff can have more of the spotlight.  It's probably difficult for them to balance stuff out...they could be holding back to stretch the lifespan of the Switch or to save back for the next system or (as some speculators believe) they are holding back just to spite leakers who were talking about all the stuff that hasn't been revealed yet.

Before we talk about what wasn't revealed, let's talk about what was:

Too much Square...I said it, cool that it's coming for those who like it but they (and Nintendo) over-value themselves...what most people actually want from Square is those mobile pixel Final Fantasy games, but that makes too much sense so here's everything else BUT that.

Fire Emblem Engage obviously taking a bit of the Fire Emblem Heroes formula (using characters from past games) which I welcome 'cos Heroes is fun...this one is also interesting 'cos there were rumors of this game for a while that got a lot of things right which means some of the other rumors that went along with it could be true too.  Here's the problem: NOA's lack of organization when it comes to special edition pre-orders...I WILL get the Divine Edition, but I dunno how yet.

Fatal Frame Mask of the Lunar Eclipse...great, but will it be physical?  Will we get the other games in the series?

Fist of the North Star...Fitness Boxing...the way it was revealed got my hopes up for...nothing.  Fitness Boxing is big now and this is a cool cross-over but bring us a real Fist of the North Star game too, please.

N64 NSO games...awesome, shows there's still life for this (and thusly NSO & Switch) and it's especially great to finally get the Goldeneye (with online play) info out there.  IMO Goldeneye in it's OG state is better than a remake or remaster 'cos you really can't capture the original's magic with RARE being a shell of it's former self.

Pikmin stuff...yeah, I should really start Pikmin Bloom since I love PokéMon GO so much, but when do I have least it doesn't seem as involving as PokéMon GO.  Pikmin, but again, when will I have time?  I think they should make the whole series physically available on Switch.

Bayonetta 3...I don't like how Bayonetta 1 & 2 were released on Switch and there's confusing info on whether 1 will be released physically on it's own or not.  I'd like the whole series on Switch physically, please...without digital...without confusion.  3 looks cool though.

Cloud Resident Evil games...the general consensus is that cloud gaming sucks, especially on what's the point?  I get that, but cloud gaming works better in Japan (better closer-knit networks) and this Direct was focused a lot on Japan/TGS stuff so there it is.  I wouldn't mind it if it was offered on NSO as a service...but no way in hell am I paying to not own it and stream...nope.  Hopefully that sends a clear message we don't want that, but I also see why they're dabbling with the technology 'cos that's where a lot of things are headed and they gotta at least try not to be behind in it.

Radiant Silvergun...awesome they gave this fanfair in a Direct...again, will it be physical?

Another Kirby...oh well, at least it's remake of a good one...just, why can't they give other franchises Kirby treatment?

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom...awesome, I don't think it can ever live up to Breath of the Wild and I fear Aonuma's silly Skyward Sword influence, but it's Zelda so I'm getting it.  Coming in May, huh...that's a ways away, a bit past March which most of us thought...another Switch coming to the family to align with it's launch...

So...what WASN'T in this Direct that some thought would be?  There were a bunch of remakes and the rumors were more remakes from the GAMECUBE era but we didn't get Metroid Prime, F-ZERO GX, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Star Fox or, kind of a letdown.  The chance that one or two of these having surprise announcement or launches before the end of this year is slim, but still there.  A missed opportunity, but maybe they want to give separate spotlights to them...or maybe all the rumors were false?  If they (and more) are still coming then that's a BUNCH, but why wait?  What about the exclusive Resident Evil, the new DK or Mario (Mario may be waiting to release when the movie does)?  We won't know 'til they come and so more rumors & speculation will come.  What else was missing: GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GBA and other systems coming to NSO...we know they're coming but still not announced, maybe once N64 releases dry up?  No new hardware and I think the best opportunity for it to come would be along with Tears of the Kingdom so it'd be too soon to announce it...or maybe it's not coming...maybe it's not what we think it is...which is a bit worrisome given what happened with Wii to Wii U where everyone wanted a "Wii HD", but we got Wii U instead.  Many want a "Switch Pro" or "Switch 4K" and it seems a logical step but Nintendo is unpredictable.

My own personal speculation (and now hope) is that Nintendo continues the Switch family with iterative upgrades every few years like how cellphone makers do it...and that transitions will be like GameBoy to GameBoy Color-like.  Nintendo still considers them the same "generation" with dual-mode carts that work in both (current & new) and Switch (next) exclusive games coming to Switch (current) on the cloud service.