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Archers Street Tacos

I dunno why I waited so long to try these...they're great.  I guess what kept me away was the lack of sour cream & cheese (come on, they're tacos)...but they added those by request.  I also don't like tomatoes so pico de gallo turned me off, but Archers version wasn't too tomatoey and there was also jalapeno & lime garnishes.  So you can mix'n'match 3 tacos from cubed asada (steak), fried shrimp, mahi mahi (blackened or not) and shredded chicken.  I chose (from left to right) grilled mahi mahi, asada & shrimp...then I had their awesome white chili (which has shredded chicken in it) as a side and that added the beans & spices for more of a Mexican meal.  Oh man, so good...glad I finally tried it!  It also came with spicy ranch but I didn't need it.