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Are we near the end?

 This isn't just about personal feelings or the many other believers who have the same's more.  I have God's Word and the labor pains the world is going through that we can see what's coming.  I dunno when, but every day that goes by we get closer to this end.

I have so much left undone in my life but more than that there are so many lost out there that I want to share what I've learned so they can learn and see what's coming as well.  I have not been a good representative for Christ, I have so much sin in anger, loneliness and lust that I have not done more to spread His gospel of truth and salvation.  I have so many projects outside of my MYSTERY ministries in part to try to distract from my sinful nature, but if the end is coming soon then these projects may have been as wasteful as the energy I've spent on my sins.

I understand a lot about God, the Bible, Salvation, dispensationalism, creation, where this world is headed, the "big picture"...all of these things I want to teach & learn...but life, work, projects and worse: sin, have distracted me from what I know I must do more of.

This world is quickly rushing towards a one-world structure the book of the Revelation unto John warns of.  Religious organizations, economies & currencies, banks & corporations, all medias, world leaders & governments are culminating to this one-world order under a coming one-world leader.  The world has been headed for this for a long time, the end times have been talked of before through natural disasters, plagues, wars and evils throughout history...but as we get closer to the actual end times God's Word tells us these contractions come on stronger and more often like a mother in labor before giving birth.

As I return to creating content for my MYSTERY ministries page here, I want to write more about what I see coming near the end.  This isn't fueled by personal problems or feelings, but just what we're seeing happening.  It's not some silly church lady's God's Word coupled with what's happening.

Part of me feels I've wasted so much of my life distracted from what I should be learning & teaching more of...but there's still time I need to make use of.  Jesus tells us to continue on keeping in mind what's I'm continuing on with life, work, my projects...but I've felt attacked to waste more time on my sins instead of giving that time and energy to what God really wants us to do.

Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

In my sin I have wrongfully sought vengeance for the wrong that has been done to me...but vengeance isn't for me to dispense.  That right is for the all-seeing, all-knowing God of the universe, only His judgement is justice.  Likewise, in being the true Judge, He forgives so I must forgive the wrong that has been done to me 'cos I am not better than God.

By putting this in writing so as to better to keep my word: I have to forgive, let go of my vengeance and turn away from my sin. 

Also, I want to again recommit to my MYSTERY ministries project to learn/teach more of what my Savior wants me to do.