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Happy New Year

I'm late on this post, but I wanted to give some updates on myself & my projects.  As always, I feel I'm way behind on so much, but I should also reflect on this last year and realize I've done a lot!  I've worked more picking up more shifts @ GFS all year, then working 7 days a week near the end of the year.  I'm back down to 6 days a week working and my "day off" is also filled with work on my life & projects and I've made many changes in my routines to work with this new schedule.  I've made so many changes, but I still have to break some bad habits I'm not wasting time and give more time to things I should be.

Time is more valuable than money at this point in my life, but I am finding more of a balance with some side hustles to make more money and working towards giving myself the time to work on what I want to work on: myself, this blogger, my youtube and personal projects. My big side hustle has been The DrGAKMAN Secret Menu which I made HUGE strides in creating more archive discs & drives to not only make some money, but also be productive with my time and share things with people that they can't get any other way!  It's a good feeling.

I have restructured my blogger and am trying to make more content and re-think how to organize them so I'm creating more and restructuring less.  There will still be structural changes (get rid of some clutter, re-size things, etc.) on the overall blogger but I think it's nearly close to the way I want it.  Content wise what has worked is my big (but organized with clickable jumps to each section in the page) BWTB PokéMon GO page.  So I made my NINTENDO POWER Checklist page like that...speaking of which I finished the main chunk of my NP Checklist yt videos going through all 285 volumes which is an accomplishment.  There's still more to do with that, but that's the main thing done!  Since those pages work for me, I'm going to do that with most of my other pages so there's less clutter, links and sub-pages.  I have so much I want to write & do for these pages/projects but I don't have enough time.  A big one I need to re-commit to my MYSTERY ministries as I believe that to be the most important, especially in the time we're heading towards.

Didn't really post about much news or personal stuff in the last year (again, time) but I have made many posts for the DrGAKMAN DIET and GAMESWAP GOODIES once I dropped doing monthly videos for those.  I will continue that and sprinkle in other posts for Nintendo AGENDA, ASIA AGENDA, Japanimation Station, DrGAKMAN DJ & TV.

Near the end of every year I usually say something about the Video Game Awards but it's a lil' pointless with so many more important stuff going on...there were some improvements, but overall I only watch for the small change of Nintendo stuff and to keep my eye on how bad the rest of "teh industwy" is.  I'll have more to say about Nintendo to say later (again, in future Nintendo AGENDA pages, posts & yt vids), but I'll end this post with Mega 64 Todd & Aaron Awards: