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The Sunkist Grape Conspiracy *UPDATE*

I'm sorry, but there's a conspiracy around Sunkist Grape (or Welch's Grape Soda, same difference) as can't find it!  Why?  You sometimes see them in 2 liter bottles, rarely in 20oz bottles and you never see them in can's (the best way to drink Sunkist is from the can).  I've talked to several grocery managers and Sunkist truck drivers about this and it's the usual run around or non-answer given when they're avoiding the question or just don't know the answer.  Maybe it is just in our (Dayton, Ohio) area, but they can't be found!  It's been like this for years now here and yet, Sunkist keeps releasing new flavors every year...where the hell is my Sunkist/Welch's Grape in a can!?!

Magically, shortly after I made this post, they appeared at Walmart.  YEARS without, then boom, they're back.  Haven't seen 'em anywhere else yet, but I checked there again a week later to make sure it wasn't some onehtime fluke and they were still there!  Joy!!

In our system at work I checked to see the last time we had & sold them...2018!  So yes, years without and they're least, for now.

Sunkist Grape in the can...oh, I missed it and it was so tasty to enjoy again!