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WingZone Lemon-yaki & El Diablo

I heard they had new flavors and after checking their website I saw El Diablo was their new I called to ask about the new sauces.  They said Lemon-yaki (teriyaki with lemon pepper dry rub) was a new flavor too, but maybe they meant returning flavor 'cos I know I've had it before.  El Diablo was a hot honey mustard and it was okay, but not enough honey flavor for me.  Lemon-yaki was better than I remember and I may do it again in the future.

I also heard they changed their fries and it looked like it on their website...I didn't like their fries in the paste 'cos they always came soggy.  I didn't try them this time but I may in the future, especially since I now know you can try 2 sauces per 10 wings.