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Repairs Repairs Repairs

Corroded, water damaged boards, not a problem...don't have an after picture, but this is what this PokéMon Red looked like before and now it's working like new!

In the process of changing batteries (or should I say fixing other's mistakes) I come across bad solder splatters like this that connect chip legs together that shouldn't connect.  I was able to clean that up and get this workin' again!

A loyal customer trying to collect all the different GameBoy Color systems out there got this nice Gold PokéMon unit online.  Problem being the screen was stretching games.  Tried to fix it but ended up having to swap it out with a different unit's screen and good as new.  Now I know I can do that!

Found a box of broken controllers, went through them to clean, repair & test and these are ready to go.  I can change out the button film pcb's but haven't gotten into changing analog sticks yet.