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2024 Into 2025

 I usually make this kind of post around the new year with DrGAKMAN updates, but I'm running late on all that.  2024 was...crazy...I thought we were headed to the end with how much the "bad guys" were winning.  While I still think the end is near and there's still so much I want to do reach more people with the Gospel of salvation through Christ, part of me is relieved at how the American election turned out (as well as how quickly it was finished) and I felt some weight off my shoulders and hopeful that maybe we have more time before the end.

In that though, I rested and laxed on some 2024 goals and even though I feel we might have more time, I've squandered a chunk of that time on things I shouldn't be messing with.  Not gonna focus on that here as I know the flesh is weak and I will always have to battle my vices.  I did make some progress on my Blogger (keeping up with updating my MYSTERY ministries, The DrGAKMAN Secret Menu, Nintendo AGENDA, PokéMon GO BWTB pages) hacking some things and actually making new Secret Menu items so that's good.  Trying to make more efforts to be a better person, friend, brother and worker and (futility) trying to work on my budget/debt.

Still though, I always feel I'm way behind 'cos I do waste the tiny bit of free time I have on stuff I shouldn't.  I have to say that again, this last years VGA's were trash (Nintendo should just do their own awards show) and the only awards show that matters is Mega 64's Todd & Aaron Awards:

2025 kinda off to a good start, gettin' some things done and while I have so many things to do, I am also going to purposely make time to enjoy what I've got which is difficult for me 'cos I'm always thinking about other projects I should work on.  I have to keep busy though, to keep from getting distracted by my vices.  I want to work on my Blogger pages more, make new ones and work on newer Secret Menu items, but I also have a lot of games & shows/movies I haven't finished so I need to enjoy those more.  I'm already almost done with Maison Ikkoku (which is a long series, thanks to Sarah for watching it with me) and keeping up with Switch 2 news, my taxes and such...I gotta do a BWTB year-end video (even though we're in February) 'cos I hit lvl 50 in PokéMon GO!

I have to spend less time on BS and take some time to enjoy the time we have, but also not get too comfy 'cos there's more work to do!


Switch 2 Pricing & Release Timeline

Here's a third post in a row here on my Blogger since a lot of what I'll say here will be moot in a few months and would thusly be deleted from the future speculation section of my main Nintendo AGENDA page.

This will be about the timing of Switch 2 pricing & release thoughts I have in this moment in time after the first-look trailer.  I have a timeline on my main Nintendo AGENDA page discussing an order of events of the transition from Switch 1 to Switch 2, but I'm putting this here since it's very relevant to the Switch 2 price & release.  Here's the timeline:

-confirm backwards compatibility::CHECK (2024)-
-give it a clear name::CHECK (JANUARY)-
-continue current Switch support::*rumored* Switch 1 Direct (FEBRUARY)-
-bring back "Nintendo Selects" budgeted games::??? (MARCH)-
-lower current Switch price::??? (MARCH)-
-Switch 2 Direct::(APRIL)-
-Switch 2 Experience::(APRIL to JUNE)-
-Switch 2 Launch::(JUNE?)
-GameBoy-to-GameBoy-Color-like transition*::???-
-patch certain Switch 1 games with improvements on Switch 2::???-
-budget "Switch Jr." console**::???-

*ie: Switch 1 games that work on the old Switch but have enhancements on Switch 2

**see my "SWITCH HOME" idea below (on the main Nintendo AGENDA page)

So if Switch (according to leaks & rumors) has been ready for a while, why wait so long to roll it out?  Besides getting everything ready and the marketing ramp-up there's a possibility that they wanna pad the timing (well after 2024 holidays) of a potential budgeting of Switch 1 games & hardware:
$50 - $60 select games to $30 - $40
Switch OLED to $300
Switch Lite to $150
Switch to $250
This leaves more ($100 difference) padding for a base Switch 2 at $400.

I say potential, though...since Nintendo may be aiming for a higher Switch 2 launch price leaving less room for lowering Switch 1 game & hardware prices.  And with $100 of padding between generations, a base Switch 2 may start at $450...which could be a problem?

Either way if the rumored Switch 1 Direct in February is true then they plan to transition Switch 1 out strong is higher...even higher if they couple new games with a lower software & hardware prices, though!

My above timeline was to reflect that Nintendo should continue to support Switch 1 going into Switch 2 so as to instill brand confidence by giving the original Switch a strong send-off.


Switch 2 First-look Impressions

 To continue with my "moment in time" thoughts on Switch 2 I'm making a Blogger post instead of putting on my Nintendo AGENDA page just to delete it later.

2 minutes...if you're ready to make a negative snap judgement on all things Switch 2 from this, then you're silly.  Reasonable people wanted a more powerful Switch that was backwards compatible, they got it!  Unreasonable people wanted something completely different (without knowing all the features, yet) and crazy power (without seeing what it could do, yet) so they call it boring...there's no satisfying these types!

I know we all wanted more information, but Nintendo saw fit with all the leaks happening that this is what they'd show now.  All the leaks ending being true from this trailer and this first look goes straight to the point to confirm important info.  The continued Switch hybrid form factor, the name, the larger screen & joy-cons, that the joy-cons are magnetically connected and have mouse functionality, that it's backwards compatible...trailer actually showed off a lot if you didn't already know that stuff from leaks & rumors and it conveyed it without a complicated explanation.  I was curious on how the joy-cons would work with a strap and a grip and they showed that off.  Aesthetically it looks the same as the current Switch yet less toy-like in it's colors & contours.  At the end of the trailer they tell us we'll get a lot more info in April followed by Switch 2 Experience live events which is telling us it should launch soon after!

The leaks showed that the extra button was a "C" button but this trailer removed the C marking from the button maybe to tell us about it later?  The "mic" marking for the microphone hole was also missing so maybe that's all related since rumors say the C stood for a communication function?  Communication, community, connect, chat or as one rumor put it: "Campus" (like those old Nintendo Campus Challenge tour events from the '90's?) so it probably has to do with that but Nintendo would make a bigger deal of it later when they reveal more about Switch 2 online features.

From this short trailer we also got how Nintendo was showing off Switch 2 as both a part of the Switch family but also the next-gen machine.  Same red logo branding, same form factor but with a big "2" to make it clear this is an iterative system...but also the NEXT system.  This could be a smart approach if marketed as a continuation as opposed to starting all over.

What we really wanted...and what really games!  We only got one, the next Mario Kart.  Again, people were quick to say it looked like the Mario Kart we have on current Switch ignoring that it's so much more if you pay attention.  Jumping from 12 racers to 24 is one thing, but this next video really shows how much more this next Mario Kart is:

So that brings us to power, after all: more power = more games, right?  Raw specs really shouldn't matter and don't really tell us much since people gauge "power" in different ways.  Jumping from 4GB of RAM to 12GB of (faster) RAM is one thing, but what's really telling about performance is all the (more current) games already rumored to be coming to Switch 2:


Archived Nintendo Speculation

 The following is what I had on my "Future Speculation" section of my Nintendo AGENDA page.  I'm putting it all here as a "moment in time" archive of ideas/speculation I had for Nintendo's next system.  A lot of this is now moot since Nintendo has started to officially reveal more about the system.  Check my Nintendo AGENDA page for more up-to-date speculation.

Switch Pro, Switch 2, Super Switch boogaloo we've already heard it all.  From here on I'll refer to the next Nintendo platform as the next Switch as it's widely believed that it'll keep the Switch-like hybrid form.

The other sections in my Nintendo Philosophy pointed out where Nintendo has done things right in "The Switch Effect" but also the dangers that came before then...namely Nintendo spreading itself too thin.  The main advantage of the Switch is that it combined home & portable hardware & software...but the danger in that is transitioning to what's the past they could lean on an established home console when launching a new portable console and vice versa...not anymore!

All eggs in one basket arguments aside, I do think Nintendo has more strength outside of video games today (through entertainment media, licensed products, etc.) than in the past so the risk is lessened.  Spreading themselves too thin can happen if they lose balance in supporting the current Switch with the next Switch.  You don't wanna brickwall the current Switch nor do you wanna use it as a safety net too much.  You wanna carry over Switch support/success to the next Switch but you have to communicate that it IS the next Switch whilst not abandoning the current Switch too soon.  Nintendo will be competing with themselves just as much as their outside competition, but if balanced properly that can actually be a profitable venture.  Continuing the current Switch alongside the next Switch gives Nintendo two revenue streams and consumers more options by having low-end and high-end systems.  It's gotta be made clear that while they are a family of similar hardware, they are also separate generations so there has to be good communication to convince customers to "swim upstream" and upgrade.  The danger is if not enough of the market moves to the next Switch quick enough to convince outside publishers to go where the marketshare is...but I don't think that will be too much of a problem to convince buyers and publishers since there is a big generational leap between the two systems.

President Furukawa has already expressed that they plan to communicate properly through the transition as he admits that is a danger for them.  The next Switch will be the first platform he will launch as note, Furukawa has been described as a business-focused leader and it shows.  Being business focused would hopefully mean he aims to repeat and improve on the current Switch by making money doing what consumers want instead of seeing this as a personal idea/creative vision.  Nothing wrong with creativity or Nintendo's own personal long as it lines up with what customers actually want!

I see what most reasonable Nintendo customers want: a better Switch with backwards compatibility, more power and more current games.  Doable, if Nintendo is also being reasonable.  Keep the Switch name, the brand is still fresh with people and don't create more problems by trying to be too different.  Add those Nintendo touches but not at the detriment of what people want.

The name of the next Switch is important 'cos it has to tell people it's the next or new thing whilst also carrying forward brand recognition.  The Switch brand name this late in this generation is still a strong one, unlike the Wii brand was going into Wii U.  A bad name can really hurt the brand and/or confuse customers so I would hope Nintendo wouldn't call it Switch U, Switch On or Switch Up, Switch Pro, Switch GO, "new" or "next" Switch.  Switch Lite & Switch OLED are good names 'cos they tell you what's different about them in the name itself...this would make you think the name Switch 4K might make sense but I don't think they'll go with that. PlayStation has a simple but effective numbered naming convention as do cars, cellphones and other products...but could Nintendo do the same?  Calling it Switch 2 or better: Switch 2.0 could work 'cos it quickly tells you it's the next one and it would fit with later iterations of the system, like: Switch 2LT (Lite or mini), Switch 2.5 (mid-gen upgrade), etc.  I kicked around Switch + or Switch Plus, but that would've been more for a mid-gen jump.  My personal hope would be Super Nintendo Switch (SNS) or Super Switch which would fit with recent Nintendo naming (like Super Nintendo World) and also bring up SNES nostalgia...get Paul Rudd to do the Super Switch commercial like the old SNES one:

They may call it something else though, especially if it's not backwards compatible with Switch?

Backwards compatibility *should* be in the next's just a no-brainer.  But we still have to address that they may not have it and why.  Maybe the hardware is too different and can't natively support it, maybe they go digital only, maybe they don't want confusion on it being a new platform and leaving out BC means a clean break?  That's a lot of (doubtful) maybe's that I just don't see being good reason to cut BC for them or for us.  If they are greedy they may want to cut BC so as to get people to re-buy upgraded Switch ports and it's been rumored that some 3RD party publishers have wanted Nintendo to cut BC so they don't have to compete with old Switch software on the new hardware.  Hopefully, that wouldn't be the case!  The real reason I'd see that they'd cut BC is piracy.  The current Switch is compromised and maybe the only way they see fit to fix that problem is to cut anything to do with the current Switch to remove or further delay any piracy on the next Switch.  Wii U was cracked thru Wii BC and the Wii was cracked thru GAMECUBE BC, so on and so on.  I think the next Switch will be BC with the current Switch, but if it isn't, it's 'cos of piracy and would probably hurt the transition which would hurt the next Switch (and Nintendo's hardware business) more than piracy.

A lot of the following continues as if Nintendo *will* have BC in the next Switch...if it doesn't, then a lot of things change in my speculation.

While I don't wanna stick to conventional revolution/evolution thinking in regards to what Nintendo would do next, I don't think they'll aim to re-invent their next hardware business...just take what they got and make it better.  More power, improved parts and added features would already make it better.  The real value in the current Switch isn't just the hardware or software itself...but how long it's lasted on the market.  A market that has been hit by bad world events and bad macroeconomics, consumers in a bullish thrifty economy appreciate a product that lasts longer and is supported for longer.  Game consoles are kind of like a committed investment and that's even more important these days in this questionable economic climate.

So before Nintendo goes all out with the next Switch they should really assure current Switch owners with more support.  This should help in the transition and building brand trust, especially if they keep the Switch name and Switch BC.  Beyond that they should, in this order:
-communicate clearly (and soon) that current Switch software will work (maybe even with improvements) on the next Switch*-
-give the name of the console (which should include Switch branding) to assure it'll continue the established 8yrs of quality the current Switch has given us**-
-bring back their budget "Nintendo Selects" line for Switch's older software-
-continue to support the current Switch with smaller titles well after the next Switch launches since those titles will also work on it-
-have a GameBoy to GameBoy Color-like "cross-gen" transition having new software that works on the old Switch but has improvements on the new Switch-
-go back through some of the old Switch hit software and offer patches to make them look/run better on the next Switch-
-maybe even introduce a Switch Home mini console? (without a screen, battery or dock they could make it a super budget console)***-

*UPDATE: CHECK, Nintendo has confirmed Switch software will be playable on the next system.  This has to mean both digital eshop software and physical game cards.

**UPDATE: All rumors & leaks point to the next system being named "Switch 2" so there's that!

Such a stand-alone console could be the "junior" to the Switch (like the NES top loader, SNES mini, Wii mini, etc.) but would Nintendo see the Switch Lite as their budget console already?  Maybe something like this could be saved for the next Switch a few years in to provide a budget option?

Dealing with the transition without spreading themselves too thin across both generations I'll go into what I think they'll do for the next Switch.  They should make it powerful enough to run more current games from 3RD parties as that will also help in the transition since their partners could help fill in the gaps while Nintendo makes new games for the next Switch.  It should also be powerful enough to give it a long lifespan even in the wake of what the competition may do.  Diminishing returns comes into play here as I don't think the mass consumer believe that games look/perform that much better from PS4 to PS5.  Maybe take power scaling to the next level having different performance settings for: portable, docked & unlocked/over-clocked modes.

The system should have more storage, but even better would be that the next Switch physical software cards would have a much higher capacity so you won't have to use as much of the built-in memory or download too much.  We now know through leaks that the Switch 2 will have a micro SD slot that takes micro SD Express cards which will not only grow to higher capacity but will also have speeds comparable to SSD's.  I would think that they made the same important advancements in their Switch 2 game cards since more current games will require more space & speed, but we'll have to see if that's the case.

A lot of things have already leaked and the reveal could literally be this week!  I've revised this future speculation section just today, January 15TH 2025.  I will write more here once we get that first official look at the Switch 2.


Switch 2 at VGA 2024?

 With rumors of Switch 2 to being "revealed" in January and launched in March, I thought I'd put my 2 cents in.  I would rather post this on my Nintendo AGENDA page (since I was right about them announcing Switch 1 backwards compatibility there first), but with this post being time-stamped it's more "predictiony".  While the above rumor may happen (there's been too many rumors for years now) there's another rumor saying Switch 2 will make some kind of appearance at the VGA's in December.  If the January reveal to March launch rumor is true then I could see something maybe happen at VGA 2024?

If the reveal/launch thing is true then Nintendo (like they did with Wii) would announce the name of the device before the blowout reveal.  No trailer, no controllers or hardware, not even any games...just the name/logo.  A good reason to do it is so that when new game trailers show up at the VGA's people will know that they're also coming to Nintendo's next system.  Reasons they wouldn't though are: the VGA's are more for industwy PC/PlayStation shite and there would have to be a lot of controlled planning way ahead of time with publishers to have that name/logo in the trailers.  Doable, since all they would have to do is tack on a couple of seconds of said name/logo but if it ever were to happen Nintendo would probably reveal the name/logo on their terms separate from (and before) the VGA's.

But do they really want the first games/trailers for the new hardware to be from 3RD parties without revealing a game of their own?  Probably not, but if they did maybe a Metroid Prime 4 (for Switch 2) trailer is possible.  Just dreaming here.  We'll see what happens...


General News About This Blogger

 As I contemplate my future...and the future of this world...I've taken a step back on a lot of things.  One part knowing that I should be spending the little time I have on more important things like seeing souls saved, learning & teaching more about God's Word and spreading the hope & joy of salvation through Christ.  Another part wanting to continue this Blogger as it was with my posts & pages about entertainment, food & work but knowing that the more important part has me putting that on the back burner needing to focus on what really matters.

I'm no longer making individual DrGAKMAN DIET or GAMESWAP GOODIES posts, I will probably end up making separate pages for those topics that I'd occasionally update with stuff...but a lot of that has to be put on hold 'cos there's more pressing topics to discuss.

I have still been lightly updating my main page here'n'there but the page I really want to focus on is the MYSTERY ministries page.


Get Right With God, Continued

The last post four months ago seemed like a panic.  I am right with God and I don't fear what is to come for me.  God doesn't want us to be sick with worry or be in constant fear so this isn't talk of fear-mongering...this is more of a warning just in case the end is coming sooner.

I don't want it to come so soon for there's many things I wish to experience in this world (silly things like personal projects, video games, movies, spending time with friends, etc.), but they're quite trivial things that don't matter in the grand scheme of things so I don't want to waste time that would be better spent on helping those who are lost and not right with God be better prepared for what is to come.  But again, at the same time, God doesn't want us to live in a state of worry or fear and not enjoy the life we have.

This "Lion of Judah" channel is interesting, but I don't take the same doctrinal perspective they have on certain things.  But this video is right...our economic world bubble is being set-up to bust with the only solution in sight being an Anti-Christ with the mark of the beast ready for us.  The video also points out that we all have this thought in the back of our head that something Earth-changing is coming...'cos it is!

People have thought the end was coming before in the past...they were correct but the timing wasn't there yet.  Is our time here, is the end near?  I'm always 50/50 knowing that every day that goes by is a day closer...the pieces are in place but we've been wrong before about the timing...I pray we have more time, more of a grace period so more people can come to Christ for one will know the time, could be very soon or very far off.  We must live every day fully like it's our last but we should be prepared for our last day!

There's an order of events and I should write more on my MYSTERY ministries page about it...I have squandered too much of the time given being too comfortable in my life...I need to learn & teach more about what is to come.


Get Right With God

 I feel we're running out of time in this world.  I mean, every day that goes by is a day closer to the end and many people in times past have said the end is coming, but then others don't heed those warnings 'cos it didn't happen...


...I'm not predicting a when or a how, just that it's coming sooner.  There's so many things in just this month alone that are signs of bigger things to come:

Things like this have happened before...sure, you can say they don't matter or mean anything...but, all at once...within the space of one month?

I'm a believer and I don't base my faith on fuzzy feelings, but this is a lot of signs all at once.  Christ told us that the end of this age comes as the Earth has more labor pains just like a woman about to give birth has more contractions near the end of her pregnancy.

The world is falling apart not just with these signs and what's happening in this month ahead, but as the rulers of this world purposely are leading us towards social, political, economic, environmental collapse and on the brink of multiple wars...just like the Bible said would happen.  All these things have a solution...someone who will come in and offer peace and "fix" this broken world...the Anti-Christ...possibly even in this year of the dragon?

Before that, there is a great falling away...I know where my final destination is as I have accepted Christ as my savior.  He has already paid the sin-debt we all owe to God with His death, burial & resurrection...all you have to do is accept that free gift to make peace with God!

I say all a world that hates us for it...too late...I wanted to do so much more to see souls saved & saints edified with the truth of Christ but I haven't done enough.  I'm not crazy or suicidal or whatever the powers that be will say we believers are when Christ comes to take us away before the Anti-Christ comes to power.  Get right with God before it's too late!