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General News About This Blogger

 As I contemplate my future...and the future of this world...I've taken a step back on a lot of things.  One part knowing that I should be spending the little time I have on more important things like seeing souls saved, learning & teaching more about God's Word and spreading the hope & joy of salvation through Christ.  Another part wanting to continue this Blogger as it was with my posts & pages about entertainment, food & work but knowing that the more important part has me putting that on the back burner needing to focus on what really matters.

I'm no longer making individual DrGAKMAN DIET or GAMESWAP GOODIES posts, I will probably end up making separate pages for those topics that I'd occasionally update with stuff...but a lot of that has to be put on hold 'cos there's more pressing topics to discuss.

I have still been lightly updating my main page here'n'there but the page I really want to focus on is the MYSTERY ministries page.


Get Right With God, Continued

The last post four months ago seemed like a panic.  I am right with God and I don't fear what is to come for me.  God doesn't want us to be sick with worry or be in constant fear so this isn't talk of fear-mongering...this is more of a warning just in case the end is coming sooner.

I don't want it to come so soon for there's many things I wish to experience in this world (silly things like personal projects, video games, movies, spending time with friends, etc.), but they're quite trivial things that don't matter in the grand scheme of things so I don't want to waste time that would be better spent on helping those who are lost and not right with God be better prepared for what is to come.  But again, at the same time, God doesn't want us to live in a state of worry or fear and not enjoy the life we have.

This "Lion of Judah" channel is interesting, but I don't take the same doctrinal perspective they have on certain things.  But this video is right...our economic world bubble is being set-up to bust with the only solution in sight being an Anti-Christ with the mark of the beast ready for us.  The video also points out that we all have this thought in the back of our head that something Earth-changing is coming...'cos it is!

People have thought the end was coming before in the past...they were correct but the timing wasn't there yet.  Is our time here, is the end near?  I'm always 50/50 knowing that every day that goes by is a day closer...the pieces are in place but we've been wrong before about the timing...I pray we have more time, more of a grace period so more people can come to Christ for one will know the time, could be very soon or very far off.  We must live every day fully like it's our last but we should be prepared for our last day!

There's an order of events and I should write more on my MYSTERY ministries page about it...I have squandered too much of the time given being too comfortable in my life...I need to learn & teach more about what is to come.


Get Right With God

 I feel we're running out of time in this world.  I mean, every day that goes by is a day closer to the end and many people in times past have said the end is coming, but then others don't heed those warnings 'cos it didn't happen...


...I'm not predicting a when or a how, just that it's coming sooner.  There's so many things in just this month alone that are signs of bigger things to come:

Things like this have happened before...sure, you can say they don't matter or mean anything...but, all at once...within the space of one month?

I'm a believer and I don't base my faith on fuzzy feelings, but this is a lot of signs all at once.  Christ told us that the end of this age comes as the Earth has more labor pains just like a woman about to give birth has more contractions near the end of her pregnancy.

The world is falling apart not just with these signs and what's happening in this month ahead, but as the rulers of this world purposely are leading us towards social, political, economic, environmental collapse and on the brink of multiple wars...just like the Bible said would happen.  All these things have a solution...someone who will come in and offer peace and "fix" this broken world...the Anti-Christ...possibly even in this year of the dragon?

Before that, there is a great falling away...I know where my final destination is as I have accepted Christ as my savior.  He has already paid the sin-debt we all owe to God with His death, burial & resurrection...all you have to do is accept that free gift to make peace with God!

I say all a world that hates us for it...too late...I wanted to do so much more to see souls saved & saints edified with the truth of Christ but I haven't done enough.  I'm not crazy or suicidal or whatever the powers that be will say we believers are when Christ comes to take us away before the Anti-Christ comes to power.  Get right with God before it's too late!