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Blogger Changes

Or should I say, going back to the way it was previously in some ways?  I am a picky planning, procrastinating perfectionist when it comes to my projects so I'm always thinking about changing the format of them as I go.

Bringing post tags back is the main change.  I thought that I was gonna make individual pages for each project and replace regular posts with pages, but now I'm going back to posts for some things, but this time the posts will not be a bunch of mixed pics and text of a bunch of things for each month...instead they will come more randomly with only one focused topic that I'll write more about.

Still working on bigger pages for bigger projects too, but will also have regular posts now that tags are back to sift through the different types of posts.

Always a work in progress, I know, but it's difficult to find a groove on posts & pages when I'm always working.

Shortly after the new year I made some changes here and in my life.  A big change is dropping an old project ("Anti-porn Alternatives" or "The Gentleman Pervert") which was a difficult decision to make...but in that I think it will help me re-focus on other project and relieves some stress from my life.  I will still have a page for the project explaining a history of it and why I ultimately abandoned it, but it won't be a continuing project.